In 2012, Business Process Outsourcing company that also serves call center in Davao City which is located int he Philippines will be hiring about 200 workers to meet increasing demands from clients. May Marie Silva-Feria, the administration manager of Callbox said that since 2008, hiring spree is the first time, the firm has expanded in its search for a new employees. She claimed that one of the reasons that business is doing so well within Davao City is largely due to the well educated citizens. This are located in the region, the fact here is that the cost of living in the city is much less than other cities in the countries.
As a Business Process Outsourcing, Callbox is not just a call center, however it is a sales and marketing firm. By developing a a selling process, implementing the strategies and managing a dedicated sales team, they provide valuable sales insight. Their clientssaid Silva-Feria can benefit from years of management experience, proven processes and industry expertise which range across multiple markets. It includes Information Technology and software, medical products, services, finance and telecommunications.
The organization is looking to fill including the outbound call center agents, software and web developers, web content writers, web and graphics designer, SEO specialists, recruitment experts, account managers, production team leaders and operations managers. By May 2012, the company hopes to find the perfect candidates and have them ready to roll. The TMCnet reported that Sitel, the another call center outsourcing provider was recently began the process of recruiting a 125 work-at-home customer sales associates and also leadership roles.
In Nebraska, with Sitel and broaden their online engagement with customers, the company decided to increase the 125 work-at-home employees at this time because of the fact that a leading national communications clients was looking to expand their customer service partnership.
Over the past years, it is said that the contact center emerged, as the essential component of the customer relationship or CRM strategy. Most of the companies now are quickly learning that service is the key to attract and maintain customers. This leads to increased business and revenue. The contact centers are now considered as the profit centers, it can spell the difference between being in business and becoming bankrupt. An excellent contact center is an important strategic asset that will not only improve a company’s image and improve customer relationship.
If there are people who believes in outsourcing ofcourse there is also people who do not want to outsource because of some issues about outsourcing but one thing that people should know that outsourcing has a big impact in the society. Outsourcing is now the best in all, there are many call center companies now in the world especially here in the Philippines. The Business Process Outsourcing is the key to have a success business. Now, there are lot of business and people that outsource inside and outside the company and country. People should know that outsourcing is the fastest growing industries in the world. It is the expert process providers to supply and regulate a segment of business process and functions.